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operation income中文是什么意思

用"operation income"造句"operation income"怎么读"operation income" in a sentence


  • 营业收入


  • Shipping or aircraft operations income
  • Aircraft operation income
  • Shipping operation income
  • The rate of increase in communication operation turnover is rough 2 . 2 times that of the communication operation income
    通信业务总量的增长率约为通信业务收入增长率的2 . 2倍。
  • The forecast of economic benefit : the yearly operation income is 3 . 5 million yuan , the yearly operation profit is 1 . 6 million yuan and the investment capital is recovered in 6 years
  • Even though in recent years the rate of increase in operation income has slowed down , the number of users , and in particular the number of mobile users , has continued to grow at a rapid rate
  • Formjannarytoseptember , the chinese mobile telecommunication income rose by 18 . 3 % compared to same period last year , accounting for 47 . 1 % of total communication incomes and further propelled the growth of telecommunication operation incomes
    9月,我国移动通信收入同比增长18 . 3 % ,在电信业务收入中的比重达到47 . 1 % ,促进了电信业务收入的稳步增长。
  • When this method is applied , net operation income ( noi ) and the value of capitalization rate ( ro ) are very subjective and difficult to estimate . this study intends to find a new method to decrease this subjective effective
  • The ratio of fixed local telephone income and long distance telephone income in the total operation income decreased by 2 . 49 % and 1 . 06 % respectively compared with the same period in 2005 , while the ratio of mobile telecommunication income and data communication income rose by 2 . 89 % and 0 . 71 % comparatively
    固定本地电话和长途电话业务收入占总收入的比重比2005年同期分别下降了2 . 49 %和1 . 06 % ,而移动通信和数据通信业务收入所占比重则分别上升了2 . 89 %和0 . 71 % 。
  • This article investigated present condition of listed company and analyzed deep - seated reason that related party transactions exist , then we use empirical study to examine how the related party transactions influence listed company operation income and stock price . at last we discuss how to manage related party transactions in our capital market
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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